It so happen that today is one of the many Fridays of 13th. It is believed that Friday and number 13 are both unlucky signs. It is quite common that the less scary '12a' is a substitute for number 13 in housing area.
Friday has gained its bad reputation in the past with stock market crashes and other disaster happening on the very day itself and Friday was the day of the week on which Jesus was crucified.
13th, in the numerology, is considered as irregular as the number before 13, 12 is a sign of completeness. We have 12 month in a years, 12 signs of zodiac and horoscope, 12 hours for day and night and much more. 12 too represent the union of the Sun (1) and the Moon (2).
13 on the hand are associated with negativity due to many reasons such as the Biblical narration of the Last Super where Judas was the thirteenth apostle. 13 could also be associated with Karma Debt or Loki, god of mischief, ruined the banquet at Valhalla (attended by 12 Gods).
Friday the 13th ‘effect’ might more prominent in western country but we don’t get to laugh at them. Chinese in particular avoids number four, which sounds like the word for 'death' in Cantonese and Mandarin.
The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia (long term for such a day) and nope, I do not fear Friday the 13th. To me, it is more to a programmed bias against reporting non-significant or negative results because I don’t see any statistic or reports on great thing that happened on Friday or probably there weren’t any? Nah, it is more towards a psychological effect believing that bad stuff does happen and everything that happened on that day is emphasized on the loss/negative side.
So, to those that fear Friday the 13th, just get over it. My Friday is perfectly fine (hope it stays that way) and hopefully blogging about it wouldn’t bring me bad luck as well. Fingers crossed and Touch wood hundred times. :P