I didn’t update my blog for a long time. Why? I had a bad week over here, simple as that.

Failed 2 out of 3 products I compounded this week. It is so demoralizing. If it were to continue this way, I might fail the whole unit. Of course I am trying not to let it happen.

So, what’s for this week? I went to “china town" in Perth after bumped into someone who is friendly at the city and she is so kind to show my housemate and I around and tell us where to get the cheapest groceries. Thank you, Margaret.

Free sizzling sausages on Friday at my student housing area for 2 weeks in a row. Free food = my presence there. Ha-ha.

A lot of deadlines and few quizzes and mid-semester test are just round the corner. How prepared I am? Not at all, still working hard on that.

So, again, just random things I read about.

Nothing is more boiling than 2nd of April. It is probably the day where PM Abdullah is stepping down. What is clear is that Najib’s takeover as Prime Minister of Malaysia will not be on April 1 so that it would not go down in history as “April Fool’s Joke”!

A little bit more, the RAHMAN prophecy. I hope at least some of you know what it is.

Tunku Abdul RAHMAN -R and R.A.H.M.A.N
Tun ABDUL Razak -A
Tun MAHATHIR Mohamad -M
Dato Seri ABDULLAH Badawi -A
Datuk Seri NAJIB Razak -N

Some say that the umno era ends with Najib as the prophecy has all been fulfilled.

Others prefer RAHMAT as the prophetic name for Malaysia because Anwar would fit in RAHMAT. Tunku - T, Razak - R, Hussein - H, Mahathir - M and Abdullah - A.
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