1. Want to weigh less without effort?
All you have to do is to sleep more. Sometimes the oldfangled science can’t be beaten. Sleep more than 7 hours a night and you will fight off colds three times more effectively than those who sleep less. Researchers have already shown that sleep boosts the immune system.
Reader's Digest April 2009 p12
2. Dentures
Scientists say that their ability to re-grow your teeth as you need them is not far off, according to the Washington post. As long as you have a wisdom tooth or two (or mom presciently preserved tissue from your baby teeth), doctors can harvest stem cells and grow new teeth.
Reader's Digest April 2009 p12
3. What those pizza delivery guys are thinking?
Head http://www.rd.com/advice-and-know-how/17-more-things-your-pizza-guy-wont-tell-you/article122368.html then.
Additional that is not in the website:
“My other line is ringing so choose the toppings before you call. It’s a pizza, not a lifetime commitment.”
“I would prefer that you have a shirt on (and definitely some pants).
“The more gated the community, the more guarded the wallet. The best tips actually come from middle and lower-class people who know what we go through. I remember every customer who doesn’t tip. I won’t do anything to jeopardize my job, but shaking the soda on the next delivery would not be out of the Q”
Reader's Digest April 2009 p19
4. Wisecracks from the wise
“I was asked at a lecture, ‘Why can’t I clone myself and keep the copies as spare parts?’ And my answer was, ‘Be careful- one of the copies might keep you for spare parts.’”
Sydney Brenner, Nobel Prize in Medicine, 2002.
Reader's Digest April 2009 p37
5. Cancer again
Having blogged about mammography last time. Here are more to add.
“Screening tests are very good at catching tumors that would never bother us, but they are actually pretty bad at catching the fastest-growing and most deadly cancers in time to cure them”, says researcher Floyd Fowler
“if you have heart disease, unless you are in the midst of a heart attack or in its immediate after-math, getting an angioplasty or a stent adds no survival edge beyond that provided by drugs and lifestyle changes.”
Screening might be right for you if
a)Family history
b)You know you have a risky mutation
c)You have already had cancer
Think twice before getting screened if
a)You have another serious illness.
b)You’re under 50 or over 70
c)You’re frail (cant withstand treatment)
d)You’re particularly afraid of being harmed by treatment you don’t need.
Reader's Digest April 2009 p88-97
6. Money from uncle bill
Rumor internet users can receive cash rewards from Bill Gates by forwarding an e-mail message to test a Microsoft clicking system is totally false. It’s a made-up claim, probably stated as a joke. But since it promises easy cash, people believe it.
Reader's Digest April 2009 pg 102
7. A liar
The story of Pinocchio may not be entirely mythical. When someone is lying, the cells lining the inside of the nose swell and release histamine, which causes itching. As a result, liars are more likely to touch or scratch their noses, say Alan Hirsch,MD. Other lying tip-offs include leaning forward and using words such as would not or could not rather than wouldn’t or couldn’t for extra emphasis.
Reader's Digest April 2009 p131