$4.50 AND ME

I woke up, bathe and went down to buy something. Was lining up and soon it was my turn.

"$ 4.50. Thank you. " said the cashier. Here comes the interesting part.

I took out 50 cents from my pocket and I opened my wallet, still need another $ 4.00.

I realized that my wallet is empty, not even a single piece of note in it. My reflex was "OH MY GOD~~~!"

And I have to tell the cashier I will be back later to pay for it. It was kind of embarrassing, seriously, for an item less than $5.

I was holding my wallet the whole time but I didn't even bother to have a look in it because there are always at least more than $5 in it. Normally i would have lots of coins in my pocket as well but I took all the $1 and $2 out two days ago and I am left with around $3 in my pocket.

So, having a deep thought, I realized I spent my last note eating Hungry Jack the other day.

It is good to have some money with you always especially in Malaysia and when you are driving. You never know when the police would be "attracted" to you and so you can do yourself and the police a favor by sacrificing your cup of "kopi".

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