Oh No!I am officially freaking out. I don't freak out often especially when it comes to exam but out of the sudden this feeling decided to lay its hand on me. evil you!
Chemistry on Monday and Biology on Tuesday is killing me slowly. It is so hard to juggle between both of them. I love organic but not physical chemistry and biology but i was required to score equally good in all 3 papers/section so that I can pass my unit.
Biology doesn't even have multiple choice section. No more referring back to that for hints and spelling.
Was out for dinner with friends when one of them told the other
"I know pharmacy got a lot to study..."
So, here I am, trying to study because I have a lot to study. I was cool but I am not now.
I am sure I will be fine after a good sleep in the morning. Maybe too much emotional events today?
TO all my UCSI friends, work smart for supplementary paper kay.
Recommended reading:
如果早知道,我就不会放手- here.
天堂里到底有没有车来车往?- here.
Added at 930am
Five hours after the panic attack, I realized a few things after tackling the past year Q.
1. There was no long essay Q for chemistry. cool?
no memorizing of theories, no comparison of Sn1,Sn2 and elimination, no comparison of isomers and so on.
2. The organic Q is basically a repetitive type of Q and the best part : we are going to have a Q where we are suppose to complete only part of all the reaction given. If you are given 10 reactions and some are surprisingly alien to you? Dont worry, you are suppose to complete only 6.
I have only heard and been through where you are suppose to pick 4 out of 5 or six long essay Q.
3.I didnt do quite a lot of physical chemistry Q yet but this situation should be familiar to anyone.
You are given a 15 marks calculation Q with 4 parts - (a) (b) (c) and (d).
You dont know how to solve for (a) AND it is related to (b) because (b) uses the answer you get in (a) and the same thing repeat itself til (d). You dont get (a), you dont get (b), (c) and (d).
Therefore, most of the time you just lost all the 15 marks.
sounds too familiar right...
Now the best part, in physical section, sometimes we have some interesting statement, for example
I sh** you not. My lecturers are just so lovely, arent they? I am starting to like them.
Okay, going to library to pick up a book and I am going back to get some sleep. Guess I will focus more on biology then.