Three things caught my eyes today.
1. First and foremost, I passed all my units. Biology was quite borderline thing but hey, that is the reason I am worried half of my semester break. When I lament about not passing a unit, I might because I am not someone who tell the whole world I might fail or how bad I did in that paper just because I didn't get an A for it.
I have seen too many cases of that and yet I still took the bait this time. Yes, song, your poisonous bait I am talking about.
2. Chua Soi Lek talking about saving the environment, seriously. See for yourself - Is it Difficult to Say “NO” to Plastic Bags?
Since when Malaysian politician doesn't talk all about and only politics?
3. I found out that most people possess powerful English vocabulary because they read novels. My very first attempt of novel kind of traumatize myself because the storyline was good with occasionally the "ahem" part (I think) but the ending was so terrible that I would like to argue with the author over it. I was curious - girls would read novels one after another and 影子山庄 was my first and my last, and I still don't get girls in this matter.
The other day, we are suppose to say one thing we enjoy doing and I go for reading. Yes, I like reading but not buying books. My friend said moments later " Yes, Face the Book (facebook)".
Decided to add two more things in this post.
I think I like the name James because I have this urge in my head that one day I could introduce to people with this lines.
"I am Bond, James Bond."
I know, I know what all of you are thinking but that is such a cool name to me. Okay, it all started with my pharmaceutics lab supervisor. He is kind, handsome, most important he has deep blue eyes. That is one thing I am so jealous about, more charming than pup.
I cant remember his name until I tried repeating "I am Bond, James Bond." and laugh to myself one week.
There was this night during exam week, I dream of myself sitting for an exam. Is it only me or others as well where you seem to run out of time to finish everything each time you have such dream. So, I do remember few questions in the multiple choice section.
One Q test me on how many colors rainbow had (I blog about rainbow few days before that dream), one ask me about how many goals was score in some match (I selected two since I don't watch football), one particular Q test me on second order reaction. The last one was the one to make me impress of myself after I woke up.
My brain can come out with different concentration of [A], [B] and reaction rate for it. The Q was easy but I am impress with my brain.