Today has been quite a fruitful one. I just can’t help but to have this thought that humans will go to a great extend to fight or uphold their belief, the power of truth indeed is amazing. Sometimes truth can be some things you perceive to be true but not necessary are the truth.
The next thing, the TOWER in tarot cards comes into my mind. Unlike popular belief, especially those dramatic presentations in the TVB series, the DEATH card is not always about death or accidents but it is more towards transformation and period of changes. Things will change and thus come to an end or death.
Back to the TOWER, normally it has the figure of a tower on a rocky outcrop, a bolt of lightning, one or two figures [naked or not] falling from the tower. No card scares a tarot reader or someone who has a slight knowledge about tarot like the TOWER.
This card really represents a rude awakening call. More often than not, it will challenge your deepest beliefs. Your plans and routines are likely to be disrupted; ego defense and pretense come crashing down and basically you just crash and burn.
If you think A is equal to B, you are likely to realize that A is different from B.
TOWER is not an absolute bad card either because nothing can build on lies. Just like skyscrapers, you need the correct foundation or else whole building one day would collapse. All the false beliefs and structures would have to make way for revelation of the naked truth and a sense of clarity will accompany it.
There are a lot of interesting things and lessons about tarot. I doubt I will blog about each and every card of it though.
Last but not least, best lies are built on partial truth.