This should be my final update of the day before I head back.
Pregnancy test kit with an usb port? Apparently it is available. I read about that here.
"tater vine" growing out of her "cat". In case you are curious, the link is here .
Basically it is a method of treatment that manipulates body structures (especially the spine) to relieve some minor illness such as low back pain or even headache or high blood pressure.
I knew the existence of this method but I have never come across the word chiropractic until today. I think it is categorized under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Well, as usual, the first thing in my thought is to doubt about it.
“Is it really effective?”
I am afraid I couldn’t answer that question. I know I wouldn’t simply mess with my spine. If it is so effective, why we still need doctors around here?
It is just like I still wouldn’t recommend anyone to take any supplements yet. To me, it is about your mind than it is about the scientific data that back it up. I know it is ironic since I am studying pharmacy. Perhaps I would change my mind after I did my CAM assignment.
You can read more about Chiropractic here.
i guess my week is slowly turning into something good. Yesterday i saw grapes selling at 2.95 AUD per kg. That is so cheap because it is cheaper than the bananas and obviously i grabbed some back to my unit.
After spending 3 hours finishing my chemistry tutorial Qs, we finish around 4pm and head to cafe for lunch. My friend and I discovered that the cafe are selling wedges at AUD 1. That was so cheap compare to lunch time which they are priced at AUD 3.80. My first wedges here, what can I say? SWEET.
At last, the weekends i have waiting for. I am just so exhausted this week.