My obsessions? Internet and chocs. Btw, my internet just expired few days ago. So, I wont subscribe to it until my finals is over. 1 month to go. Meanwhile, I will just rely on connectivity I got in campus.
So, xiao ming is again obsessed with that ‘angel’ again it seems (judging from his post). In my context, the girl and most of the girls around campus that is cute to him are not cute. That includes a girl in our course.
USED to have a girl in my course that I think she is yet the most gorgeous girl I ever came across. Don’t think I will be see-ing that gorgeous face again until end of this year. Can’t wait can’t wait.
I am glad for the following things:
a) No longer being clumsy or awkward around her. (Don’t really think that happen to me though)
b) No longer having difficulties focusing on anything but this person. (Occasionally)
c) No longer have to feel anxious to see her who sits two rows away from me in lectures. (Miss that feeling though)
d) No longer have to try every single approach just to get near her. (Don’t really do that)
e) No longer have to look for her everywhere.
f) No longer have to go all out to make her notice me.
g) No longer blush in front of her. (Don’t think I really blush unless I am presenting in front of class)
h) My friends no longer have to stop me from staring at her.
i) No longer look forward to the class I have with her or, thankful that I have more than one class with her. (I have all class including labs with her)
j) Remember those incidents or moments I had with her, especially all those little things she said.
k) Still do wonder occasionally how such perfect Homo sapiens exist.
l) No longer have to act cool @ not to care about her when I am around her.
m) No longer addicted to her smile.
n) Still get excited occasionally when I see her online.
My largest obsession of all. 心中谁都比不上(literally).
女人总觉得这个男人就是不一样. 女人心.
Recommended reading, here. 女人绝对不能相信男人三件事情