Did you ever have the feeling of guilt for not studying or doing enough studying?

Well, it just struck me again. Never in my whole 3 months where my compounding form was so empty like this morning, never in my whole 3 months where I didn’t read about the chemistry lab at all until I started the experiment and the whole pre-lab section was blank as well and never in my whole 3 months I think I just wasted my last weekend instead of making something out of it.
Thanks for letting me copy your compounding forms today.
Last Sunday was a ‘different’ weekend; the day where I can’t control my tears after all those touching and sad stories about mom at the Sunday service. Either their mother already passed away or nearly did when give birth to them. Even sad movies doesn’t earn my tears that much. (Not that i don't have a lot of tears; you can always tell yourself that it is just a movie; I always do) I even have to get a tissue out just to wipe my tears and that last for like half an hour. That is a serious problem.
1 of my friend asked: “Does your mum still nag you?”
My reply: “Not that she has the chance.”
Some thought I was homesick but I know I wasn’t. I just need to do some studying.
Suddenly remembered the part where the medic students started their exams (last semester) later than the pharmacy students but their exams end before my last paper.
And so, Kenneth was celebrating his ‘freedom’ and out of a sudden he looked at me and said something like “How come I have a feeling that you are just as relax as me?”
My reply: “No, I am not. Don’t try to make me feel guilty.” But deep inside me I have to agree with him. Ha-ha.
This week is going to be a busy week.
And here is your lucky charm again, good luck!