Pharmacist shortage? Not in New England. For the first time in several years, I have RPhs calling to inquire about positions. and recruiters have stopped calling to try hire pharmacists away from us.
In 40 yuears, I have seen this movie many times. Everytime there is a pharmacist shortage, the colleges crank out many more, less-well-prepared students. and they open new colleges. You have two enemies of excellence: the colleges of pharmacy that overproduce and sacrifice excellence, and the boards of pharmacy, which through employment of board members and political pressure exerted by corporate headquarters on the board's appointing authorities become tools of the large corporations.
The above was taken from Drug Topics, a monthly news magazine, guided by a board of pharmacy leaders, reporting on all phases of community, retail, and health-system issues and trends, covering managed care and professional, national, and state activities as well as new therapies involving prescription and OTC drugs.Bill XYe, MS,RPhWAKEFIELD, R.I.
Refer my past post back in 1st of August 2009, about the massive production of pharmacist-to-be, here. I am not sure if the links provided back then are still working and I have not touched on the lack of lecturers among the school(s) of pharmacy as it is happening right now, where the school fails to retain quality lecturers with a high turnover rate due to the increased demand for them, a localized brain drain.